Sunday, April 30, 2006


Warm colors over a cool ocean

Ocean 2

Ocean blue

Ocean 2006

I am sky

I am


I am water-wet
you are clouds-air & we meet
summer whips us up

Ric's Blood

Every-time I rub my finger into a blood red color and smear it on paper, I think of you, my teacher and muse.
Yup, you're sick. Heck you died twice this winter. The last time you died your kidney's stopped functioning and now it's all down to blood.
Nothing can take the impurities out of your body except dialysis. You jokingly said last week, "I'm hanging on by a thread..."
That thread is a thin red line.
My painting is dedicated to you and your hope.
I pray you can keep these red lines running as long as you want.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Copper Phosphate Lake

One of my most current paintings.
God, sometimes I am blissed out by this work

Thursday, April 06, 2006

23 years old


Cozy fireplace

My living-room reflects a mood of cozy warmth inside. Upon this mantle I place my sacred objects for healing. Currently I have Ric Campman's photo leaning on a bust of Buddha. Ric is my art teacher & mentor at the River Gallery School. This spring he died twice.

I celebrate Ric's will to live & thrive.